
375th Anniversary Custom Badge Program
Use of government funds is not required to participate in the badge program. A proven successful individual purchase program can be easily implemented. Other programs include, but are not limited to, Sheriff's Office direct purchase, individual purchase with defrayed cost by Sheriff's Office, and corporate or private sponsorship.

Here are some of the highlights of the program:

Project management tools:
Badge order form customized according to the Sheriff’s direction
Special pricing flyer offering extra incentives for participation
Master order spread sheet to simplify order processing
Badge and leather samples for all to see and examine

Time Line:
Order submission from participants over a two week period
Badges delivered and issued for wear approximately four weeks later


Custom seals and enamel colors (please inquire)
Miniature badges or tie tacs
Badges embedded in Lucite or mounted on plaque
Gift boxes and badge display stands

Consultation for and participation in badge issuance ceremony
Photography at issuance ceremony
Draft press release submitted for Sheriff’s approval and use
Presentation certificate for VIPs and dignitaries

Badge warranty:

Orders shall not be accepted or processed by supplier without SO approval